"Painted Grace"

Donna’s Comments

Good morning everyone. Sorry for the Long post.

Ron and I would like to thank everyone for their custom orders. You might not be aware but placing these orders has help keep me sane.
During these crazy Covid months and during the months of February thru April we had to cancel 16 parties. This was so hard…On top of that we are usually booking fall parties at this time and with the unknown Covid crisis ahead this is going to be a slow process.
There are times I think going back to work in a medical or dental office would provide a regular income, but really I think to me it would provide some kind of normacilly some kind of routine. With 2 girls at home, a 8 year old and Theresa whom is 38. Me going back into the 9 to 5 job would be crazy. Ron travels and I know this is almost impossible.
So I’m blessed that we have all we need and Ron provides for us..
So THANK you to all who keep me painting.
It is my sanity, my light sometimes when I need some kind of creativity in my veins.
Please stay safe. Keep me in mind for your wood decor or needs, your wedding and shower gifts.
God Bless
Painted Grace

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